How to Inspect Your Roof for Hail Damage This Season

hailstone on roof

With Ohio’s temperamental weather, hail storms can be a common occurrence. As residential roofing contractors with years of experience in Medina, we at Gridiron Guys Construction understand the importance of regular inspections, particularly after severe weather. This guide will help you identify signs of hail damage and understand when to seek residential roof repair or replacement.

roofs in Cleveland

Ground Inspection

Before you climb onto your roof, start with a ground-level inspection. Look for signs of hail damage such as dents or chipped paint on outdoor items, siding, or vehicles. If you spot these signs, there’s a high chance your roof may have suffered hail damage too.

gutter and downspout

Gutters and Downspouts

Often, hail damage will affect your gutters and downspouts. Look for dents, dings, or even a buildup of granules washed off from the shingles. An excessive amount of granules may indicate a need for residential roof repair or replacement.

roof inspection

Direct Roof Inspection

If it’s safe to do so, a direct roof inspection can reveal more signs of damage. Be on the lookout for dents, bruising, or cracking on your shingles. If these are hard to spot, a professional roofing contractor has the expertise to identify such signs accurately.

inspection attic roof

Inside Inspection

Don’t forget to check the inside of your home. Water stains or leaks on your ceiling or walls are a clear indication of roof damage. If you see these signs, contact a professional immediately to prevent further damage to your home.

Hail can cause significant damage to your roof, often requiring residential roof repair or even replacement. Regular inspections can help identify problems early and keep your home protected. If you suspect hail damage or need a professional roof assessment, Gridiron Guys Construction is here for you. Our experienced residential roofing contractors are dedicated to providing quality service and free roof inspection. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and ensure your home’s safety this season.

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